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Expert Facials, Injectables, and Lasers
In Palm Desert

Walk in for Great Skin

At SkinCeuticals SkinLab by Cosmetic Surgery Institute of Palm Desert, our mission is to take the guesswork out of finding the best skincare solutions for the expert results you want. We’ve partnered with SkinCeuticals to give you a holistic approach to great skin with one simple formula: advanced diagnostics, signature aesthetic treatments, and effective skincare.

Palm Desert Medical Spa Treatments

At SkinCeuticals SkinLab Palm Desert, we know skin. Our team of experts, under the direction of Palm Desert board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Mo Zakhireh, offer top medical spa treatments in Palm Desert to address the needs of every skin type. At SkinLab, our signature facials, injectable services, and skin and body rejuvenation treatments, are perfectly crafted to deliver the aesthetic results you are looking for in under an hour. Our comprehensive medical spa treatments include:

SkinScope consultation

Receive a Complementary Skin Consultation

Our integrated approach addresses your unique skin needs with advanced skin care diagnostics and signature facial and aesthetic treatments. We conduct complimentary skin consultations using advanced diagnostic technology. Our SkinCeuticals Skinscope LED diagnostic tool identifies visible and underlying skin problems using two light modes. We assess your skin for skin damage and other concerns using simulated daylight and LED-UV. Daylight mode assesses visible concerns, while LED-UV light detects what can’t be seen on the surface. After your consultation, we’ll create a customized treatment plan for your unique skin. Your personalized consultation results give us the information we need to provide you with the best possible skincare.

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California team

Meet the SkinCeuticals SkinLab™ by Cosmetic Surgery Institute Team

At SkinCeuticals SkinLab™ by Cosmetic Surgery Institute of Palm Desert, our mission is to take the guesswork out of finding the best skincare solutions for the expert results you want. We’ve partnered with SkinCeuticals to give you a holistic approach to great skin with one simple formula: advanced diagnostics, signature aesthetic treatments, and effective skincare.

Meet Our Team

SkinCeuticals products

Advanced Skincare Backed By Science

SkinCeuticals is the #1 Medical Skincare Brand in the United States. Research and innovation are at the core of the SkinCeuticals mission, and dedication to science has established the brand as a leader in the advanced skincare arena. SkinCeuticals was the direct result of a revolutionary discovery that set the standard for antioxidant formulation.

Experience next-generation products that will optimize the health and beauty of your skin—giving you great skin, made easy.

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Expert Skin Care in Palm Desert, CA

In Partnership with Dr. Mo Zakhireh of Cosmetic Surgery Institute Palm Desert​

At SkinLab, our team of highly-trained medical professionals is led by board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Mo Zakhireh of Cosmetic Surgery Institute of Palm Desert. For over 15 years, CSI has helped countless individuals transform their lives through surgical procedures using clinical expertise and artistic talent.​


73560 El Paseo, Suite E
Palm Desert, CA 92260


Hours of Operation

Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday – Saturday: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Sunday: Closed

73560 El Paseo ste e, Palm Desert, CA 92260, USA