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Join Our Dream Team!

A Motivated and Caring Team Helping People With Their Skincare Needs

We are a rapidly advancing medical boutique with a solid focus on delivering exceptional experiences and results, seeking a poised healthcare professional with excellent communication skills, attention to detail, strong follow-through, and a cheerful disposition to join our dream team.

Within our practice, the main goal of our service providers is to ‘wow’ our clientele with each and every interaction. We value those we serve and strive to exceed their expectations at every opportunity.

If you’re someone who thrives in a positive environment, has initiative, works well in collaboration with a team, and is committed to learning and ongoing professional development, the possibilities are endless.

Available Positions at SkinLab

  • Laser & Injectable RN

Your Essential Skills and Characteristics

  • Perpetual positive attitude and enthusiasm with clients and employees
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Extremely detail-oriented
  • Reliable and dependable
  • Ability to work independently but also a team player with a “roll up your sleeves” mentality and a “do whatever it takes” attitude
  • Strong desire to work in a fast-paced environment, and boutique setting
  • Ability to learn quickly and with precision

To Apply

To apply, applicants must send the following items to

  • Your availability Monday through Saturday
  • Your ideal start date
  • A list of three references, including their name, relationship, and email address
  • Resume